Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A morning with some kids......

Not sure if I should apologize or not,
but here [finally!] is the post I had said awhile ago that I was posting soon.
Well this isn't "soon" anymore. :-(
For various reasons.....
1.) more important things came up & this post got pushed aside
2.) I had no time to process what I experienced that morning
3.) I still am not sure what all to think of that morning.
So this may just be a post of photos and a few words. :)
We got to "listen" in on a Khmer Bible teaching time.
And we also got to sing a few songs with the kids. That was fun. :-)

Here are 2 very sweet people!!
This little man melted me! He was such a sweetie!
I don't know much of his story....but I could form my own options just from observing him.
Life is lonely.
Life is confusing.
Life is painful.
Life can seem so cruel.
I don't understand.
I know God IS in control!
But still, I find myself asking why? Why? Why?
 Why some people have to go through so much pain, especially someone as young as this little man.
Why can't families stay together?
Why? Why?
I had no way to comfort this little man. I can only speak a few words in his language.
So I just hugged him tight as I prayed over him.
I looked him in the eyes and whispered "PraYesus sraline neak" ["Jesus loves you"].
 And I gave him cookies. :-)
"Jesus, please surround this little guy with Your arms! Protect him! Love him. Help him to find some comfort in this scary world."

This sweet baby girl was another 'heart breaker'.
At 9 months old her development was behind other babies her age.
But what can you say? She was abandoned as a small baby, and now is living at a home that is understaffed. The young girls who care for her do as best they can! Bless their hearts, nobody their age should have this huge responsibility placed on their young shoulders!
Sometimes, often I feel so helpless.
What can I do? I am only 1 person, I cannot do much.
Times like these prompt me to be more diligent in prayer. There are many people, many situations that need prayer. And even though I cannot wave a magic wand and make all these situations better in a moment, I know the only Person who can do this! That Person is Jesus Christ!!
He can, AND DOES! take care of each of these people and each of these situations!!!
So I bring these people and situations to Him, and trust that He will take care of them.
"Jesus, I know you are a Father to the fatherless. So I know that look down on these little girls with a love that is stronger than any person's on earth. I pray that You would help these girls to physically feel this love of Yours surround them each and every day! Protect them from any harm that Satan would want to bring against them. Bless them for the way they care for each other. And please send someone into their lives to love them as a physical mother would."

Everybody loves Mr. Z. :-)

Another person,
another story.

We taught the kids how to play kick ball.
It's always "fun" to try to explain a new game to people in another language. :-)

Check out the awesome soccer balls we have here!

Playing with a magnifying glass, paper & plastic bottles....only a boy...!! :-)
Reminds me of my nephew---who I miss a lot!! :-(

As we left, they all gathered by the gate and waved to us.
Nothing like breaking our hearts!! :-(
Pray for these kids.
Life is hard.
Life is not fair.
But, God is in control.
He IS taking care of them.
We can join in His work by praying for them.