Friday, April 25, 2014

Please join me in praying....

I saw something.
I don't know what it was.
For sure....

It was 7:15 am
I was walking over to the other house for breakfast
From about a block away this is what I see.....
A guy is walking down the street
With his hoodie up
And his hands on the shoulders of a kid who is walking in front of him

They walk up to the corner
They stand and wait

A silver van pulls ups
The adult helps the kid into the van

The van immediately drives off

And the man walks off


I feel sick

What was that all about?
What just happened?

The first thoughts through my head
Are things that in my mind only happen in Asia....

Could it really be?

I pray not!!! :-(

I cannot get this kid out of my head
Can you join me in prayer for this situation?
And especially for the protection of the kid.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Next stop...the big city

Well I have survived my first week in the city.
Actually, it's not like that
-I have enjoyed my first week in the city! :)
But it has been a stretching week. 

Classes--well, they don't seem that bad [after the intense medical classes I just finished!]
Outreach times---now those ARE stretching!!!  {But they are getting exciting.}

We got to go to a Khmer temple.
We talked to some Khmer people.
And they insisted that we eat Cambodian food--which was a pleasure! :)

We rode the subway.
And we walked
and we walked.....

I enjoyed the beauty of the city.
The people of various cultures.
The beautiful buildings.
The trees that are starting to blossom.
The daffadils.
And the dandelions.

God is teaching me alot. 
About what it means to have peace and quietness in my soul....even if the rest of my world is not as 'perfect' as I would like it to be.
He is trying to teach me to fully rely on Him for strength for each.
He is teaching me how to humble myself.
....and many more things....'s been a good week...looking forward to the rest of my time here. :)