Friday, November 2, 2012

Random musings.....

Meet my little man:
He is so adoreable.
He is "my" little man.
His huge chocolate brown eyes tell so much
....they are sometimes filled with pain & sadness 'caused by
things a child his age should never have to face.
How my heart breaks when I see this reflecting in his eyes.
But....then my heart will melt into a puddle...when this little man comes to the center
and comes running across the room straight to me to be hugged & loved & prayed over.
How I pray that Jesus will enter this little man's heart & fill it with
healing, true love, peace, acceptance and feelings of worth in God's eyes!!

This is part of the King's palace.
It is light up in honour of the King's coronation day.
{*Note: the photo of the King's Father--He passed away a few weeks ago.}
The amount of honour the people of Cambodia pay to their King & to the predeceased King, challenges me. I cannot help but ask myself: "If they feel it neccessary to show this amount of honour to a human king, how much MORE honour I should show to my King--because my King is not just another king that will come and go. My King is the KING of all Kings!! And I'm afraid that I don't give Him the amount of honour that He deserves." .....May I always show My KING the honour and respect that He deserves!!!
 Since visiting the temple ruins in Siem Reap, & reading thru the Old Testament, I cannot help but think of Heaven often. The beauty of the Old Testament temples of God & the beauty of the temples of the pagan gods is breathtaking. And the mansions in Heaven are going to be even MORE breathtaking!!! I can't wait to see MY mansion in Heaven!!
I can't wait to worship Jesus in all of His beauty!
I can't to see what that beauty will be like!!
It's going to be so much more than I ever have imagined. :-)
I wonder what it will be like walk down the halls of the mansions in Heaven
What will they be like? Will I even be able to walk down them?
[I probably will be stopping ever step to pause and drink in the beauty. :-) To savour the moment.]
What will it be like to walk up to the gate of Heaven?
When I walked up to this gate...I felt so small, so insignificant. Like I didn't deserve to be here. Here my feet were covered in dust from the red dirt road. I was not wearing my best clothes.
I did pause to enjoy the beauty of the mist coming off the water in the moat.
I felt like a nobody, an ordinary person who was about to enter a palace where I didn't deserve to go.
It's not going to be that way when I walk in thru the gate to Heaven! :)


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