Wednesday, June 18, 2014

the wedding is over.....
my friends had a lovely farewell party for me at the lake
complete with lots of yummy food:
[Tim Hortons coffee, amazing peanut butter brownie cake, cute drinks, butterfly gummies, chocolate]
the sunset was beautiful that night! :)

the goodbyes were said....
the bags were packed
and re-packed
and prayed over {that they would lose some weight! ;-) haha}
{Story about my bags.....most of you know how I have a hard time packing lightly.....well, my bags were overweight but I couldn't decide what to leave behind, so I just decided to go to the airport and see what would happen. The lady (nicely) said my bags were overweight and if I took out a few pounds that would be okay. So I took out my jacket (to carry--as she recommended), and took out a pair of sandals. Then another official came by and wanted to keep the line moving. So I zipped my bags shut again and the lady tagged them without another word. So all I left behind was a pair of sandals that I wasn't 100% sure I wanted anyway. :-) Thank you, Jesus!}

My panda bear story
[the bear pictured above]
My nephew was at the dump and brought home lots of treasures. And, being the sweetheart that he is, he wanted to give me one of his treasures. It was a great big teddy. And I had to tell him that I didn't have room in my bags to take it to Cambodia. :-(  But, bless his heart.......a few minutes later he gave me his prized treasure---a panda bear teddy that turns into a pillow. I told him that this teddy could ride on my carryon bag....and it would be my sweet reminder of him. <3
In the chaos of getting on the plane leaving Chicago somehow panda came off my bag. I was very disappointed. I even went to the bother of retracing my steps to look for him, but couldn't find him. 13 hours later as we were leaving the plane Gloria saw panda sitting on a ledge!!
Panda and I are now happily re-united! :-)

As we were flying the pilot came over the PA system and told us to look out the windows as it was an exceptionally clear day and you could see Dubai and the deserts of Omen. It was a beautiful sight, thousands and thousands of miles were between us but yet you could see clearly!!
Later you could faintly see Thailand. :) I wished so much that I could stop in there to see some friends!! ...That place definitely still has piece of my heart....

We had an overnight stay in Qatar. It was great! :) They took us across the city to a beautiful hotel...and expensive hotel--paid for by the airline. :) It was so nice to sleep on a comfy king-sized bed rather than a tiny airplane seat. And it was a great change for the kids. 

And then,
we arrived in this LOVELY place!!!! :)

It's good to be back. :)
It's so good to see familiar sights. The city hasn't completely changed in the time I was gone. Tuk tuk rides are still great! :) The food is just as good as I remember! :) I recognize streets and shops and can still kinda know where I am [kinda!]. 
Last night I got to see some dear friends that I had worked with last time I was in the city.
 Good times!


  1. I wish too you could have stopped in Thailand! Love the pics and the update...and again, I'm just so happy for you, Kris. I know that feeling (although you waited longer than I did) to finally be back in the land where your heart has been for so long. Enjoy every minute---even the tough stuff, because it's all worth it. :)

  2. thanks Mel! Someday our paths are going to cross again..... and what a day that will be. :)
