Sunday, September 28, 2014

Just a ride down
The Mekong River!!!
This past Monday was a holiday in Cambodia.
So, we took a small break from the language lessons.
It was refreshing to give the brain a bit of time to process all the foreign words
and sounds it has been subjected to lately.
And it was just as refreshing to see greenery instead of concrete and the occasional palm tree!
[I love living in a city! :) It makes me appreciate the beauty of God's Creation on a different level.]
My whole team went, well those of us here so far.
And a friend from church, along with part of her family.
Waiting to leave the harbour


Cambodia's flag

{Disclaimer: I am not a fan of extreme editing.
So with my tongue in my cheek I have to confess that sometimes it does create some nice ART.}
This is the view of the Royal Palace--from the River.
House boats line the riverbanks
*Not 100% sure who lives in these boats. I'm been told different things. Some people say it is a specific people group. Some say it is a specific religious group. And others say it is the very poorest people, those who cannot afford a house in the city but have jobs here.
I don't know which is the truth.
It doesn't matter.
Seeing their tiny houses makes me ashamed at all the things and space I think I need to live.
Yes, my apartment only has three small rooms. Yes, there will be five girls living here in a few short months. Yes, we only have the bare necessities in the kitchen--according to standards in America.
But I am blessed!
I have no "right" to complain.

 Pretty houses dotted the riverbanks occasionally

I think these kids were wondering what these 'barangs' were doing :)

Mango tree surrounded by banana trees

We did not get to see the sunset, but the sky was still beautiful

"Watch me! One day I am going to fly!!"
{Poor little man thought we were crazy to make him stand like this. :) Ha!}

"Our" ride ~Lucky Boat I
The best seat on the boat was on the roof. :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

around the city....

Just a few of the things I see all the time....
a 'guesthouse'
It reminds me to pray against the evil in this city!

The school I attend is down this street--just out of site.

A tuktuk driver snacking while waiting for customers.

Taking photos while riding around on tuktuks makes for interesting photos. :)

The overpass is finally completed!
And you get a lovely view as you cross it.

Note the lazy boy chair this person has to relax in as they sell gas beside the road. :)

There are always food stands along the roads.

mobile food stands :)

The rich and the poor live side by side.

a super dusty intersection

a local market

The airport
If you come visit me, you will see this close up!! ;)

One of the many bicycle shops.
Here there will be numerous shops selling the same thing.

A mall & supermarket that is within walking distance from me.


Finally here is a random collection of thoughts and photos....
The dear lady who helped us in our first 2 months here.
What an amazing lady she is!!!
I miss her.

The first meal I made in my apartment.
It was fun to cook again...for the first few weeks.
Now I feel like I have more important things [like studying!] to do instead of cooking.

The other night I had just sat down to eat supper when the room filled with a lovely pink colour.
I went out onto the balcony,and the photo above is what I saw
----a complete [tho faint] rainbow!
It was a lovely reminder that God is still in control.
....I needed that reminder this week!!!

After the rain there is:
 beauty, a refreshing breeze, peace and stillness.
So it is after the storms in life.
Though sometimes it feels like the storms never end
and the beauty is hard to see.
{like really hard to see}
Even then, I still believe it's true.
How I can't wait for the day when God shows me the beauty from all this mess of tears and pain!!

Three years ago there was a sunset far more beautiful than this one.
It was the day my sister died.
The day God said "Bev, paint a picture in the sky for your family to see.
Let them know that one day they will be okay again.
Let them know that I will be with them during this time of grief."
That was three years ago this weekend.
The photo above was taken this weekend coming home from attending a funeral here in Cambodia.
Again I was reminded that God is with me in times of grief and pain.
Talking about grief.....
crazy things can be said when you are grieving
inconsiderate things.
{Both by the person grieving and the person "helping" the Bible story of Job & his 3 friends}
Please, please, please watch what you say to someone who is grieving!!!
If you haven't been in their shoes, please don't give "advice".
Just be quiet.
Listen. Just listen.
 That's the best, the most helpful thing you can do at the moment.
Otherwise, most likely, you are just adding to their grief and sorrow!!!!
 I just came across a song by a guy who obviously had experience with this:
Jason Gray's song: 'Not Right Now'
Search for it on youtube. It would be good for everyone to listen to it.
 The beauty of the city today was therapeutic.
Today we went on a bike ride after church.
We came upon this lovely place.
There is green grass!!!
Cute coffee shops!
A cute ice cream shop.
Nice 'fancy' restaurants
and 'hole-in-the-wall' restaurants.
A path by the [muddy] river.
It's called......Diamond Island.
It really does seem like a diamond here amongst the concrete, people & vehicles.
I do love this busy city
...but sometimes, it would be nice to have a moment of peace & quiet and change of scenery.
I do believe I found a place I will have to go back to often.

Even a horse can look nice--if it has a cute rider like this one! ;)

Miss J was in her glory to be on a horse!
Crazy horse-loving girl! :)
Some of the people I see around here a fair bit. :)

Some of the construction going on around the city.
From 7am-7pm you can usually here somebody banging around doing construction of some sort.
Normally, it doesn't bother me.
{Well, except when the workers come into the building at 7am on a Saturday morning
---singing at the top of their lungs!! Or when they are drilling on MY balcony.
Then it does kinda bother me.}