Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Cambodian Transportation

Only in Cambodia can you stand at the side of the road for 20 minutes and be this entertained.
We were meeting friends [who were stuck in traffic--story of our lives here!],
I had my camera----so I was "a little bit" trigger happy. :)
Hope you enjoy some of the interesting sights I see every day on the roads!!
a guy selling drinks....like coke & ICED COFFEE!!! :)
No, he is not part of a gang or anything....he just didn't want the sun or dust to get on him!

This is how we transport trees.

This guy makes me smile! :)
There is this guy [or maybe more than one, not too sure] who wears funky clothes,
plays loud, funky music and sells something from the yellow box on the back of his moto.
[I haven't figured out yet what he sells]
But he sure makes everyone on the streets smile when he comes along. :)

This is how they transport lumber. :)
Tuk tuks can always hold a "little bit more".

When the truck is full, you sit on top of the stuff. :)
[Seatbelts are only something that the driver and front seat passenger need to wear.]

Notice the moto on the left going the opposite way! This is so typical. :)
 Sometimes it is just easier, & makes more sense, to drive the "wrong" way down the street.
*I may or may not have done this before. :) But don't worry! It's safe!! Everyone is always watching out for everyone else! :)

Not exactly sure what this vehicle is used for,
 but sometimes when you see them they are filled with people.

A three-wheeled tuk tuk


This moto is right tight to our tuk tuk, just waiting to cross the street.
Here, if you want to get anywhere you need to edge your nose out into the traffic until they go around you, or stop for you.

Sometimes you see your friends riding on a moto. :)

This photo doesn't do justice. This section of the road had massive ruts!!!
We made it through with our tuk tuk! :)


Oxen pulling a cart laden with goods to sell.

It's wedding season here. Which means that when you are traveling, there is a good chance that you will randomly come upon this tent that is set up on the road. You may be able to squeeze by it, or you may have to turn around and find a different way to your destination.
Life on these roads is never dull! :)

The front of the wedding tent.
They really do beautiful decorations.

We drove by an outdoor market.
The man on the left is selling freshly squeezed sugar cane juice.

True ladies ride motos sidesaddle.
*I have not mastered this yet.*
Well, hope you enjoyed the photos! :)

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