Friday, January 31, 2014


Sometimes I think my life is so boring.
I look at some of my friends and they always have some sort of drama going on in their life.
Some good drama.
Some not so nice drama.
Some drama that makes me smile.....and say "Thank you God for my boring life!" :-)

But then,
it is winter in Canada
and I have D.R.A.M.A.

Not neccessarily what I would call the good kind of drama. :-P

But my life is not boring anymore!
{Am I supposed to thank you, God, for that? ....Sorry, still working on getting to that place!}

If you were within earshot of me these are things you might hear me say:
"well....we'll see"
"well........IF so and so works out....."
"I H.A.T.E. winter" {this one gets repeated quite frequently, said to the tune of  "I hate 'toconut'"!! :-) haha}
"yeah, I think so...."

*disclaimer about the winter comment......I don't really hate winter. I just don't like blizzards and weeklong storms that change my plans--or worse, keep my plans all up in the air until the very last minute. :-p Yup, I'm kinda fussy. :-)
*I do have to say: "Check back hear in a year from now, and I will most likely have forgotten how bad a Canadian winter storm was, and will be wishing to see just a few snowflakes!!" ;-) ....So I am trying to enjoy this winter as much as possible. :-)


  1. Do you spit snowflakes like mr. spits coconut!!! You are TOO funny!! I LOVED driving with you on that blustery day.. miss you much.

  2. Miss you too! :(
    And miss the little guy who spits coconut! :( Miss the the little miss too.
