Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Happy Birthday, Sister!

Does Heaven have floral delivery service?
'Cause I would like to order the biggest bouquet of
 the most beautiful roses
delivered to my sister's mansion!

Roses of any colour would be fine.
{Well, maybe no yellow ones please. She wasn't fond of the that colour.}

But she loved roses.
And tulips.
And irises.
{And handfuls of weeds brought to her by her dear children.}

Happy Birthday, Sis!
Today you would have been 35 yrs old!

You know I would have teased you about it only being 5 more years until you turned 40! 
Wow! Can't believe you are that old!!
Seems like no that long ago that we were kids growing up together.

{nice "poof"! ;-) yes, yes, I know that's mostly to blame on the shadow.}

Wonder what cake I would have decorated for you this year?
A chiffon cake?
A Black Forest cake?
Just a pretty cake?
Or one baked for it's flavour?
It probably would have been chocolate somehow...we do like our chocolate. :-)

Maybe I could have got you a new pillow for your birthday?
Or given you the sisters photo frame that is sitting in my drawer.
Or a copy of the photo of us that I got drawn in Thailand...I know you would have loved that!

You never were a big 'gifts' person.
You cared more about relationships and spending time with people.
You never wanted people to make a fuss for you.
[Though you always went out of your way to make sure you cared for other people!]

This is your 2nd birthday you are celebrating in Heaven.
Wonder if the birthday celebrations get better each year....
Or maybe it's just another day of dancing thru God's flower gardens
and singing the Hallelujah Chorus [you would love that!!!].

For us here on earth, it's just another reminder that you are gone.
A reminder that we can't pick up the phone and chat for hours.
A reminder that we can't sit around your table with cake and laughter and good times....and YOU!

You are loved.
You are missed.


  1. Great post once again, Kris. Thinking and praying for you today!

  2. Aww Kris...Beautiful Birthday note! i will lift you up. Love you girl...Butterflies and love to you today.
